FlexUnit 4.1 Beta 1 Now Available

For months now the core FlexUnit team and contributors have been working diligently to move the next release of FlexUnit forward. The 4.0 release was a success but we always knew there were many optimization and enhancement still to come. Today, we are happy to announce some of those are available as the 4.1 public beta begins.

You can download the latest bits from the flexunit.org download site.

Here are a few feature descriptions and bullet points of some of the new features in the FlexUnit 4.1 world.

Parameterized Testing

There are times when you need to repeat a test across a series of data points. Imagine a class that does a complex calculation based on input values. It is likely that you would want to test hundreds or thousands of different input values, checking each of their expected outputs to feel comfortable that this class was behaving properly. Or, perhaps you have a whole series of components which implement an interface and you wish to verify that setting the ‘x’ property on each of those objects dispatches and expected event or updates a given property. These are both cases where Parameterized testing can simplify your life.

Parameterized testing in FlexUnit works by allowing you to specify arguments to be passed to a constructor (we call it JUnit style), or arguments which will be passed to a method (TestNG Style). Here is a quick sample of the approach:

Constructor (JUnit Style):

public static function data2():Array {
return [ [ 3, 6 ], [ 4, 8 ], [ 5, 10 ], [ 6, 12 ] ];

private var _input:int;
private var _expected:int;

public function TestParameterized( param1:int, param2:int ) {
_input = param1;
_expected = param2;

public function doubleTest():void {
assertEquals(_expected, _input*2);

Method (TestNG Style):

public static function dataThree():Array {
return [ [ 0, 1, 1 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 4, 6 ] ];

public function addTwoValuesTest( value1:int, value2:int, result:int ):void {
assertEquals( value1 + value2, result );

Parameters are defined by static properties containing arrays of arrays. The framework iterates through the array, calling your methods with the parameters of each inner array. Parameterized testing can be combined with the asynchronous testing for very complex testing.

At first glance, those of you familiar with theories might see a lot of similarities to parameterized testing; they also allow a developer to create methods and a constructor that accept parameters. A theory is different in how the data is defined and in the way a test fails. A theory is akin to a mathematical theory wherein any failure means the whole theory is bad. Further, theories are often reversible. For instance, a valid theory might entail testing a math class by first multiplying two numbers and then dividing the product by the first number. If your code is valid, you should get the second number back. Testing this across a potentially infinite number of values is the real of a theory.

Whereas theories see all of the datapoints as input to a single test, which passes or fails as a whole, parameterized testing expands your set of parameters to individual tests allowing you to understand which cases fail and succeed individually. Parameterized tests are more useful in cases where you have a fixed data set with known specific values which represent a valid outcome.

External Data for Parameterized Testing and Theories

Executing tests across large data sets necessarily involves maintaining that data. FlexUnit 4.1 allows the data for Theories and Parameterized tests to be loaded from an external source.

public static var dataRetriever1:IExternalDependencyLoader = new ParamDataHelper( "PurelyFakeExample.xml" );
public static var someData:Array;

The IExternalDependencyLoader interface works with the Theory and Parameterized test runners to facilitate asynchronous loading of data points before testing begins.

Rules Implementation

When creating large suites of unit tests, you could find yourself duplicating complex setup code many times. Rules offer the ability to factor this code into a separate class and specify logic that will be invoked before or after each test method call, allowing you to alter how a method is called, perform additional setup or even examine and change the result of a test runner.

public var rule1:IMethodRule = new SomeRule();
public function test1():void {

This feature can be used to create new types of test runners through composition instead of inheritance, allowing more flexibility, less code to maintain and the ability to reuse the rule across many types of runners. The first application of this technology was the auto-creation and verification of Mocks for test cases, however, the next application is a Rule to inject dependencies into cases.

Directory Scanning and Test Loading

Using the FlexUnit Ant tasks, you can point FlexUnit at a directory, which it will recursively scan for tests, build a temporary suite and execute on your behalf, removing the need to maintain static lists of tests in many cases.

<flexunit workingDir="${bin.loc}" toDir="${report.loc}"
haltonfailure="false" verbose="true" localTrusted="true">
<testSource dir="${main.src.loc}" />
<testSource dir="${test.src.loc}">
<include name="**/*Test.as" />
<library dir="${lib.loc}" />

Performance Improvements

FlexUnit 4.1 now executes FlexUnit 4.x style metadata tests approximately 60% faster than before. New logic that directly monitors the progress of tests throughout the Flash Player frame allows the framework to better utilize the available time, resulting in an additional significant performance boost. Collectively these improvements can halve the execution time on very large suites over previous versions.

UIImpersonator for AS or Flex

Flex developers have had the ability to use the UIImpersonator classes to allow components to interact with the display list since version 4.0. Version 4.1 extends that coverage and allows ActionScript only projects the same access. A new property on FlexUnitCore allows developers to indicate the visual display root of the application, thereby allowing this access.

var core:FlexUnitCore = new FlexUnitCore();
core.visualDisplayRoot = this;

Asynchronous Functionality now Available in Parameterized Testing and Theories

The ability to test asynchronously is imperative in Flash, where operations are often broken across frames. FlexUnit Asynchronous methods are now available in Theories and Parameterized Tests.

Package level assertions

You may have noticed that throughout these examples, we have simply said

assertTrue() instead of Assert.assertTrue()

Package level assertions now exist for all assertion methods, minimizing typing and porting from previous versions of FlexUnit or Fluint.

Timing information during test run

Timing information is gathered internal to the framework during test run, allowing for more accurate measurements of test execution time.

Now, got download the latest bits from flexunit.org download site and give us some feedback.

3 Comments to “FlexUnit 4.1 Beta 1 Now Available”

  1. [...] FlexUnit 4.1 Beta 1 [...]

  2. luchyx 19 June 2010 at 11:04 am #

    I’m working with hudson with many flex project runnings and I went crazy figuring out how to run the old version of FlexUnit on linux.

    I’m going to give it a try seems to more robust.
    IExternalDependencyLoader rocks!, Excellent work guys!

  3. [...] still busy working away preparing for the next milestone release of FlexUnit 4.1 which boasts some great new features, my favourite being an ANT Task to generate TestSuite’s automatically (something that only [...]

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